Onetencrew Films is back on set. This time in Long Island, NY shooting a web commercial for Universal Autosports. A beautiful expensive race cars. I immediately fell in love with the silver Maserati Grandtourismo. It must be an Italian thing. Not that I wouldn't want to ride around in a Vanguish, I'm just partial to products from Italy. I headed out west to start preparing for Hellcat records summer release of Danny Diablo "International Hardcore Superstar".
While out there I visited Estevan Oriol at his Gallery/Store Last Laugh that he owns with partner Mr. Cartoon. He took me up the street to grab what he said was the best taco in town, a mysterious Kogi Korean Taco truck that rides to a different location and sells out every night. As always he spoke the truth. I took if few meetings out west to pitch the Westchester TV show. Now I'm coming back home to get back in the NY Groove! Some pics from the shoot @ Universal, some tacos off the Kogi truck, and a flick of me with Estevan Oriol @ Last Laugh...